Caught a Squirrel!

Apr 21, 2021 | Rodents, Wild Herbivores

It honestly doesn’t take much to get one heck of a scolding from a squirrel.

I just have to be there to get a [North American] Red Squirrel to set off Nature’s automated forest alarm system (well, squirrels are Nature’s automated forest alarm system), with a combination of squeal-chucks and a shrill, drawn-out, rapid-fire “chigachigachigachigar!” which is impossible to vocally replicate unless you’re a squirrel yourself!

But armed with my Canon Rebel XS DSLR camera with a Canon EF 70-300 mm f/4-5.6 IS USM lens attached, maxed at full optic zoom, I was able to catch the little bugger who was giving me heck for merely enjoying some “me-time” in the woods.

You know, I think he (?) liked getting his picture taken…

Taken at the J.J. Collett Natural Area near Ponoka, Alberta, Canada on April 30, 2017.